5 Ways To Keep Your Skin Soft and Clear
Many of us struggle with various skin problems, such as oily or dry skin, acne or blackheads, roughness, unusual tanning or pimple marks, unnecessary black spots, patchy appearance, and what not our skin goes through daily. It is a daily struggle to keep our skin in good shape, healthy, glowing, and away from all sorts of incoming problems. For people who are office goers or go to schools and colleges, the problem heightens for them when they come in direct contact with the pollution outside. In times like these, where masks and sanitizers are used regularly, we ought to be extra careful. Damaging their skin ways. But not to worry, we have come up with a few easy solutions to follow for everyone, irrespective of age and gender. There are a few tricks to keep your skin soft and clear throughout the day and in the long run.
#5 Easy tips for glowing skin
1. Drink water

I bet you saw this coming. The first step towards glowing and healthy skin is to drink as much water as possible. One of the primary issues behind our skin starting to deteriorate in texture and glow before time is the absence of water from our body. Often stuck behind our super packed schedule, we neglect the practice of drinking water regularly; resulting in dry and rough skin.
Most of the models, when interviewed about the secret of their glowing skin, they tell the interviewer how they consume gallons of water on a regular basis. Water tends to replenish dead cells inside and outside your skin and gives it the necessary moisture required to keep your skin cells healthy.
2. Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen is specifically meant for those people who step out of their homes on a daily basis and have to struggle with the pollution constantly hitting their faces. These pollutants can be very harmful and have harmful effects on your skin if you are not careful. Your skin, primarily your face, needs to be protected from all sorts of harmful chemicals hitting your face out there, ready to steal the glow from your face. Sunscreen serves to be that shield which not only protects you from harmful pollutants and UV rays, it also serves as a barrier to the pollutants present in the air (bacteria and viruses).
With the rise in cases of skin diseases and skin cancer, people by now should be more careful and cautious about their skin. It will take you less than two minutes to apply the sunscreen to your face. If you are thinking of buying one, go for a sunscreen of SPF 50 or above. A sunscreen of SPF 30 will allow about 3 percent of the UV rays to penetrate through your skin. A sunscreen of SPF 50 will only allow about 2 percent of the same rays to enter your skin.
3. Use the right face wash for your skin

First and foremost, it is extremely important to know and understand the requirements of your skin in order to use the right variety of face wash to clean your face and rinse off that dirt. DO NOT, EVER, use soap or any sort of harsh sulfate-rich face wash on the tender skin of your face. Know that there are separate face washes designed for a variety of different skins, specifically meant for them. Make sure you know your skin type and choose the correct one for yourself.
Using the sulfate-rich product will not only de-moisturize the tangibility of your skin, but it might also cause to roughen and damage your texture permanently. Always choose a mild face wash for your skin to cleanse off the dirt at night and excess oil that accumulates on your skin during the day. In case you want to remove make-up, use a basic oil or make-up cleansers from known and trusted brands to get rid of the chemicals. Always clean and dry your face before going to bed.
4. Moisturize your skin

If you did not already know this, know now that moisturizing your skin is the most important job to avoid rough, patchy, and scaly skin resulting from the accumulation of dead skin cells. Those with dry skin should note that because their skin is constantly being exposed to the unruly and polluted air outside, it tends to lose its existing moisture.
In such a scenario, it appears to be covered by a thin layer of white powdery mass on the surface of your skin, in worse situations, your skin might crack. To avoid such a situation ever arise, it is advised to one and all that you beautiful people should regularly moisturize your body, no matter how the weather is outside. If possible, try and moisturize all over the exposed skin surface. If not possible, try and at least properly moisturize your hands, feet, and face. For those who have normal skin and not particularly dry, winter is the season when you are required to take extra care of yourself. Moisturize yourself religiously before getting into bed because it is during your sleep when your body tends to lose most of its water content.
5. Take a healthy diet

Needless to say, taking in a balanced diet is the most important part of achieving soft and glowing healthy skin. If you are not following a proper healthy diet, not consuming fresh fruits, water, dried fruits, green vegetables in the required quantity, your skin will gradually lose its water content and you will be prone to wrinkles at a very early age.
In order to achieve glowing pimple-free skin, it is necessary for you to eat an ample amount of fruits and green vegetables and try to take minimal oil in your diet. It will never be enough if you go on putting products on your skin from outside, for example, if a plant does not receive ample amount of sunlight and water in its roots, it will fail to grow. In the same way, if the follicles of your skin do not receive proper nutrition, products applied from outside will never assist in healing the damage done to your skin.