Diet drinks could slash chances of getting pregnant during IVF


In vitro fertilization has been a revolutionary medical procedure that helped numerous couples all over the world have a baby.

IVF is one of the most popular and successful assisted reproductive technique that helps overcome both various kinds of male and female infertility issues. It involves various steps including both medical and surgical procedures.

In an IVF procedure, the eggs from the female partner are fertilized with sperm in a petri dish and incubated in laboratory until embryo or embryos develop.

The embryo is then transferred into the uterus of the woman. If the embryo successfully implants and starts developing, it will culminate in pregnancy. Although the IVF success rates are good, there are many factors that may influence it.

This includes factors such as the woman’s age, quality of sperm/eggs, overall health of the woman and reasons for infertility. IVF clinics in India are designed to suit each couple’s needs and optimize the results.

The top infertility specialists in the country are internationally trained experts who are skilled in all aspects of fertility management and reproductive techniques.

The doctors conduct an extensive evaluation to determine the underlying cause of infertility and determine the health risks from the procedure. The dosage and medicines are prescribed based on the overall health and side-effects.

The doctors will discuss the IVF protocol, what to expect during the procedure, potential complications and schedule for the appointements. 

General health and wellness is another makes factor that is considered when it comes to fertility treatment and chances of getting pregnant. In general, eating junk food or foods with high calorie content and lacking nutritional value has been known to negatively impact the reproductive health.

The experts usually suggest altering the diet to include more healthy food items which may help boost the chances of successful pregnancy. This is applicable for both natural conception and infertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Recent repots have reported that low-calorie sodas and sweeteners may also lead to poorer egg production and embryo development. Diet based drinks have been speculated to reduce the chances of getting pregnant by a woman through IVF.

This was also indicated in women who had low-calorie pop or used sweeteners in coffee as they produced poorer eggs and embryos. The study concluded: “Patients should be advised about the adverse effect of sugar and mainly artificial sweeteners on the success of assisted reproduction.”

A study from the Fertility Medical Group in Sao Paulo, Brazil reported their research on around 5,000 eggs produced by 524 women undergoing fertility treatment known as ICSI.

They highlighted that the egg development is very sensitive to external influences from the environment. Therefore, women must not under-estimate the potential effects of food additives in diet drinks and other food items on their reproductive health. 

Researches in the past have also suggested that eggs may not thrive well in high-glucose environments.

It was suggested that there might be a decrease in chances of becoming pregnant by 25% in women who had at least one sugary soda or drink a day. Also, amongst men, there was seen a 33% less likelihood of becoming a father in those who consumed a sugar-sweetened drink.

In addition, these findings linked a high-sugar diet in men to erectile dysfunction. 

Boston University’s lead author and Professor Elizabeth Hatch noted that they found a positive association between intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and lower fertility.

This was seen consistent after using control for many other factors, such as obesity, alcohol, smoking, caffeine intake, and overall diet quality. 

Infertility affects a large percentage of women and men of a reproductive age worldwide. Bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and other factors are also influencing the rise of fertility problems.

Although, techniques like IVF and ICSI are improving their chances of having a baby, there are more factors to consider. Also, IVF is a demanding procedure, involving several medicines and hormone treatments.

It is best to avoid foods and drinks that may negatively affect the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Therefore, it is advisable for couples who are planning a pregnancy to consider limiting their consumption of diet or high sugar beverages as they have been linked to adverse health effects and reduced fertility. 

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