Egg’s Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Health Benefits of egg

Generally, eggs are packed with nutrients. Chicken eggs are the most used of all these eggs. Eggs Health Benefits. To most people, eggs are dangerous due to it is high cholesterol. Even at that, eggs nutritional benefits but surpasses this. There are many nutritional values of eggs.

Eggs are a great source of protein and choline, and they also contain several B vitamins, along with vitamins A and D. An egg a day will give the body all these nutrients to run the day’s activities. Adding an egg to breakfast will not improve your cholesterol level will it harm your health. Eggs are more satisfactory and will make you feel fuller when used over breakfast.

Here are any of the reasons you should eat eggs.

Egg Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 78
  • Fat: 5g
  • Sodium: 62mg
  • Carbohydrates: 0.6g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0.5g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Choline: 147mg


Eggs are a healthy source of high quality, complete protein. Most of it is found in the eggs white: There are 4 to 5 gm proteins, 17 calories. Eggs whites are also a great source of leucine, an amino acid that may help with weight loss.

Vitamins and Minerals

Eggs provide important vitamins and minerals. They include vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin A (for healthy vision, skin, & cell growth), & vitamins B-complex that your body requires to convert food into energy

Eggs Health Benefits

In addition to the health benefits provided by eggs, the protein & fat in eggs is useful as well.

Boost Brain Health

Eating eggs on a daily basis will have a good effect on the brain. This is 1 of the boiled Eggs Health Benefits. Boiled eggs supply the brain with choline. It will improve the brain function to perform better even during old age.

Prevention of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the deadliest diseases affecting the human race. Consuming eggs on a daily basis can help to prevent the development of breast cancer in both men & women. Eggs can also help in the treat of breast cancer in both genders.

Ideal for Dieting

Women & men who are concerned about their body weight & shape can find solace in eggs. Eating boiled eggs regularly will result into an ideal body shape. Eggs aids weight loss. It also helps to prevent cravings & & prevent eating unnecessarily at all times. People who eat boiled eggs tend to feel fuller and eat less thus, reducing overeating and cutting calorie intake.

Boost your testosterone levels

A healthy life is an essential aspect to be considered if you need to boost your testosterone levels. With your particular diet plan, you will be able to bring an apparent change in your physical life. Researchers have proven it by eating eggs, and I have tested it myself by eating eggs.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol

The Health benefit of eggs is that it helps to reduce LDL cholesterol which is bad for the body and also helps in increasing the good cholesterol HDL that is good for the body due to the omega-3 fatty acids present in the egg.

Maintains Metabolism

Eggs can help to manage the metabolic rate. Metabolism plays an important role in the body. As a result of the high content of Vitamin B12 in egg, men’s metabolism can be increased & maintained maximally.

Eggs Benefits for Men

Eggs benefits help in men’s health problems. Eggs help in a good flow in both men.

Stimulate Bone Strength

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that affects old age. Consuming eggs can help over bone disease & disorder when taking regularly.

Increases Body Protein

Eggs are a healthy source of protein & also contain amino acids. Consuming the right amount of protein can as well help weight loss.

Protect Eyesight

Eggs can help to reduce cataract. It also contains antioxidants which support good vision. This is why parents are always advised to give their children eggs on a daily basis.

Promotes Hair and Nails

Eggs are rich in Vitamins and minerals. This promotes healthy hair growth and nails. It also prevents hair loss due to its high content of Vitamins A and E.


This is but because of the choline found in eggs. Choline is important in pregnancy. Supplying the body with an adequate amount of choline will help in fetus growth and development. It also helps in the memory development of the unborn child.

Nutritionists have gone back & forth over the healthiness of eggs. Eggs Health Benefits. Most of that discussion centered around the so called cholesterol, LDL. Eggs have lots of cholesterol.

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