From Novice to Pro: 6 Essential Hand Embroidery Tips for Stunning Results


Sometimes we play with threads to make the embroidery work and forget the basic tips needed that can help us to achieve quality embroidery work. So, as a beginner, you need to remember a few tips that will help you make great embroidery work.

Hand Embroidery Tips

Essential Tips for Stunning Embroidery Results

1. How to use a pull skein

The first step is about pull skein which is the format in that many popular threads are sold. The main purpose of using pull skein is to use embroidery floss easily. You need to be able to pull a usable length of floss straight out from the skein, cut and use it and still have a tidy skein from which you can easily pull your next usable length of floss and that’s the idea. But, sometimes, it does work that way.

2. Stop Pulling Your Stitches So Tight

Pulling Your Stitches So Tight

When you will use stitches so tight, you might face two kinds of problems like puckering or rippling the fabric. Two, depending on what you are creating, you take the risk of making your stitches looks uneven and strange. So, here is a visual for you. Everyone has someone with a bun in the hair or with a ponytail. There is a normal ponytail that is neat and pulled up. Then there is a bun or ponytail that is severally pulled up and too tight that gives you a headache and just looking at it because each hair is pop. Apply the same scenario with the stitches to get my point of view.

3. The Fabric You Use Makes All The Difference

So, I feel like this is just starting. For beginners, I prefer them to start with a nonstretchy, high quality and see thru cotton. I like fabrics for beginners because there are tight even woven embroidered fabrics that are not tough on the hands and allow your stitches to look more consistent. Also, it is readily available at a good fabric store and comes in a variety of colors. To give a start, use cotton muslin, cotton vill, or Kona cotton. Now, you gain experience, you should try other fabrics too. You can start with linen, but I know other embroidery artists that hate linen. I have also seen that others use thick canvas or denim for other embroidery projects. But denim makes me think about some curse words that my stitches are sometimes so tiny that it hurts my hand. The moral of the story is to use the fabric that works best for you and doesn’t be afraid to do some experiments with them.

4. Overlap Your Stitches

So, this suggestion depends on what you are trying to stitch. But if you like me and tend to love high-detail textured structure, this tip is right for you. If you like my bouquet design, I overlap everywhere because of what a real bouquet will look like. Plus it also helps in making the finished project look lush and full.

5. Play around with colors

When you start feeling like you are stuck with stitches, start playing with floss colors. I keep all kinds of floss colors in my old wooden soda crate. I just dump the whole floss colors and choose what will look great on my next stitch work and it feels great and looks awesome most of the time. So, I created floss color palettes and these color combination guides will help you choose the perfect colorway for your stitching project. Choosing the right color combination is the hardest part to do stitches on my embroidered fabrics.

6. Picking The Right Needle And Thread To Give A Nice Start

After choosing the right pull skein and the right stripped embroidery floss, you are ready to start stitching. But choosing the right needle and right thread is most important because if you choose the wrong needle, it can create imperfections in your embroidery work and low-quality thread can break down during the embroidery work or can create any other issues. So, choose the right needle and thread for getting the best results on your embroidery work.


You must have the right accessories and tools to make your stitching work impressive. You should have the right needle and thread to get a good start. You can see the different new patterns online and can start something new. Make sure you follow all the tips mentioned above for great artwork on your embroidery fabrics. Best of luck with your stitching work!

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