Strategies To Reduce CTR in Google Adsense

Strategies To Reduce CTR

Hi Mates, Hope you all are fine. I am again with a post about Google Adsense After a Post about Increasing Rank in Google or other search engines. Hope you liked my Previous Post. As i explained in my previous tutorials that Google Adsense is only the network which pays a lot of money and it is only the network which is liked by every blogger and it is Dream of every blogger actually.

So, every one sign up on Adsense instead of other networks. Adsense is their Primary Choice. So, boys let come to point now. Topic is about CTR (Click through Rate). It means Click after every 100 views. If click is before 100 views then It will be high as Views(impressions) and Clicks on your ads. Accodring to WikiPedia CTR is defined as

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I have a Adsense account, and i am earning from it. But one day i looked on my CTR and RPM. RPM was high but opposite to that CTR is also high and in addition to both CPC is as low. So, at that time i took decison to reduce my CTR and after some days it was so much decreased.

And my earning was high than before. CTR problem is popular among Adsense users. But they do not take care of it and earn small amount of money from adsense. But some times High CTR leads to the Banning of Adsense Account. So Friends, as I reduced my CTR you can also decrease it by following some simple ways Given below.

Strategies To Reduce Click Through Rate in GoogleAdsense:

There are different ways to reduce Adsense CTR from which your Adsense earnings will surely increase Day by Day. Below i have explained Different ways for Decreasing CTR in Adsense.

Create Large Size Ads:

This is very important for decreasing CTR is adsense. Large size ads decrease CTR in a great way because Large ads can easily be seen by any visitor and it will increase your Impressions. And automatically your CTR will decrease. And When CTR is decreased your CPC will increase depending upon the RPM you given by the Adsense Robots. I Suggest you a LeaderBoard (728 x 90), a Large Rectangle or Medim Rectange and A large SkyScrapper (300 x 600). This will surely decrease Your CTR and increase RPM.

Hide Your Ads From Specific Countries:

Some bloggers have a problem about their visitor’s countries. Because from that countries visitors are in large amount on a blog. And Visitor Clicks on Adsense ads. Due to Coming of Huge Amount of clicks from a specific countries can decrease your CTR. Suppose your blog have daily 1K visitors and you received 100 Clicks. And 90 Clicks are from India than Indian visitors will be a caution for you.

So you have to hide their ads from that country. You can hide Adsense Ads from your blog from a specific country in a simple way. You have to just Link your Adsense account with DFP (Google DoubleClick For Publishers). DFP is a free Google service and you can Hide your Adsense Ads from a specific country. This Topic Will help you more to hide ads from specific country.

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Increase Your Blog/Web Traffic:

Traffic is like Fuel in the car. If you haven’t fuel, you will never reach your destination. So as like fuel, If your blog have not traffic than You will not earn even 1 penny from Adsense or other services. So always do hard work for increasing traffic of your blog. CTR is greatly affected by Traffic. If your traffic is high and Clicks are coming with a Good interval. Than, it will reduce CTR and increase your earnings. So, do some hard work on driving a massive amount of traffic your blog. You can done it by writing unique content, sharing on social media sites etc. Increase Rank in Google. This topic will help you in this step

Watch Your Visitors:

Some times, your enemy or any body clicks on Your Adsense ads too much and increase your CTR to the height of Mountain. Which will affect both your Earnings and CTR. So, always Check your Adsense account within a interval. And check from where clicks and views are coming. If you found any fraud clicks then immediately remove your ads and Inform to Adsense. This will save your adsense account and control your CTR and will not affect your earnings further

Final Words:

The conclusion for above post is that CTR is very important in adsense earnings. Every one want to reduce it. I hope my above tutorial helped you in reducing of CTR. CTR and RPM are opposite to each other. If your CTR is low and RPM is high than your earnings will be High. But higher CTR effects your earnings negatively. So, follow all above steps and do some hard work to reduce CTR. Now, i am waiting for your comments.

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