What is The Cost and Procedure of Hair Fue Treatment?


Cost of Hair Fue Treatment in India: -There is the option of Supra-follicular and sub-follicular hair transplant for women and men. In both options, first, you require consultation with our hair surgeon doctors to know about your condition, and then they suggest or decide upon the treatment procedure. We usually offer these two options after a complete examination of your scalp.

The Hair FUE cost in India includes consultation fees, surgery charges, and the total treatment cost. Doctor’s prices for FUE are around $ 3,000-$ 6,000 USD, which is higher than traditional methods because it requires particular expertise to handle delicate follicles with great precision and care as they are tiny in size. And the cost of FUE is USD 3,000 (approx.) and depends upon total hair grafts and donor area percentage.

The typical cost of Hair Transplant Surgery for men and women is shown below:-

TYPE OF HAIR TRANSPLANT SITE PRICE (IN US$) SITE (donor area) PRICE (IN US$) TOTAL PRICE (IN US$) Men: Sub-follicular 2,000 4,000 6,000 Women: Supra-follicular 3,500 7,500 10.00 15.00(Hair FUE cost)

The total cost of hair transplants in India includes consultation fees, surgery, and the total price of hair transplants. This cost depends upon the type of FUE or Strip method used to harvest donor’s hair, how many grafts are required for a particular patient, and what percentage of the donor area is needed to be covered by transplantation.

Hair Transplants Cost in India:- Price of a hair transplant surgery in India varies depending upon India India.

Who can get the best result in a hair Transplant?

 Procedure of Hair Transplant is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consult a doctor before going for Hair Transplant. Only those people with strong donor areas can get a good result after Hair Transplant Surgery.

What is the success rate of hair Transplants?

Surgery of hair transplant is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consult a doctor before going for Hair Transplant. The success rate of the Strip method depends upon the size of the bald area. There is a high success rate when it comes to hair transplants for men and women.

Is the procedure of Hair Transplant safe?

FUE or Strip hair transplant method is entirely safe, but you should consult a doctor before going for Hair Transplant Surgery. It is advised to take complete care after surgery, especially in the first month post-op.

What is the duration of a Hair Transplant?

The Major portion of the hair transplant procedure will be completed in just one day itself, but you need to attend follow-up sessions for several weeks and months according to your requirement.

How many grafts are required for a single session of Hair Transplant?

Usually, doctors recommend anywhere between 80 to 2000 grafts per session of hair transplant. Is it possible to travel after Hair Transplant? -It is not advisable to travel after a hair transplant as doctors will suggest you take complete rest for several weeks and months according to your requirement. Also, traveling or traveling long distances may cause trauma, resulting in blood clotting and making the procedure more complicated.

What is the Hair FUE cost in India?

Hair Transplant Cost in India varies depending upon the city you are staying in and the method used for Hair Transplant surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Hair Transplant Surgery?

It is advised to take complete rest for several weeks after hair transplant surgery. It will take almost 2 to 3 months to recover completely from the procedure.

What are the best cities in India for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Delhi is one of the best cities in India where you can get good doctors and facilities at very reasonable prices. Other major cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Noida also have good doctors at reasonable prices.

What is the procedure of Hair Transplant Surgery?

FUE method: This method uses an FUE punch device to make neat slits in your scalp. A small vacuum collects hair from those slits into follicles–like grafts, which are then implanted individually into your scalp to create hair. BIO–DRAW Method: The harvested donor area is cleansed with antiseptic, and the back of the machine is lathered in a topical anesthetic gel that numbs the skin. And then, A linear or grid pattern is made for follicle extraction.

What should I focus on during Hair Transplant Surgery?

Follicular Unit Extraction is the latest technique used for hair transplant. It is generally completed in less than 10 minutes. Hence, there will be no pain or discomfort during surgery, and therefore you should not focus on anything except the procedure.

Should I get Hair Transplant Insurance?

Yes, it is advisable to get Hair transplant Insurance as it gives you financial support in case of any untoward incident. Also, it covers the cost of Surgery and Medicine if there is any post-operative complication.

Does hair Transplant surgery cause scars?

Yes, it does, but they are usually not visible or hardly noticeable unless your surgeon is less experienced. An expert hair transplant surgeon will have the expertise to hide these scars behind your hairline. Hence, imperfections are inevitable with any operation of this kind.

What will be the results of a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a long process, and it takes several sessions to get desired results. It would help if you always discussed with your doctor the time frame for hair growth to achieve the results according to your requirement. Results depend on the patient’s age, sex, amount of hair to be transplanted, method, and doctor.

What are the chances of success in Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a long process that can take over a year before you see significant results. It depends upon your condition, age & health, and how many sessions were needed to complete the procedure. Better chances of success are observed in younger people, especially if they have diffuse thinning (where hair is missing all around the scalp) or in men with male pattern baldness.

What should be my expectation after Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant gives you a hairline to help you look more attractive. It will not be a miraculous treatment that will give you thick hair all around the scalp. You need to be patient and let your transplanted hair grow for at least a year before you can define if it was worth the effort or not.

Are there any side effects of Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is a safe procedure that does not cause any significant side effects unless there are any complications or improper techniques used during the procedure.

Summary :- After reading the article, it appears that a hair transplant is a good option for people experiencing thinning or receding hairline. It seems to be a good option if you have enough money and get profit from your hair, or if you want to restore your appearance. I hope you know Hair FUE cost after checking above information.

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