Best Yoga Asana to Get A Flat Stomach

Yoga Asana to Get A Flat Stomach

Are you struggling hard to get a flat tummy, but you are not achieving a good result? If yes then stop worried about a flat stomach, we are here to give some advice for Yoga Asana. Many people are there who are wasting lots of money or time in the gym to get a slim body but their workout is not suitable for them. If you are one among them and searching for the best yoga asana for a flat stomach then you are at the right place. Read the given below article and get rigid of a healthy body by Yoga.

Asana means a steady and comfortable posture. This is the discipline of the body. It serves to prepare the physical body for seated meditation. Asana purifies our body. They allow our life force to flow more easily and improve our overall wellbeing. The main aim of asana is to reduce any hyperactivity in the nervous system. Asana is also helpful in our inner posture, poise, and interactions with others. They create body balance and open-mindedness.

Asana is the foremost way to keep our body free from diseases with the help of yoga we can easily control our limbs. They create peace in mind and make our body fit and slim. Nowadays, our generation mostly depends on junk food. Children mostly eat pizza, burgers, cumin, and many more things which are harmful to our body and increase our fat. So, here we are suggesting some yoga asana which is helpful to get a flat stomach and increase our metabolism.

Benefits of Yoga Asana:

  • Improve your flexibility
  • Develop your strength
  • Reduce your stress level
  • Improve your inner soul
  • May help you lose weight
  • Increase metabolism
  • Builds muscle strength.
  • Perfects your posture.
  • Increase your blood flow.
  • Betters your bone health.
  • Drains your lymph and boots immunity.

Yoga is one of the simplest forms of exercise you can do to improve your health, mind, and body. All you need is a yoga mat and some comfortable clothing. So, if you’ve have been thinking about getting started, here are five asanas which help to reduce stomach fat. Asana is performed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. The use of breathing and focus can help relieve stress and anxiety. The poses are not meant to simply be physical exercises but rather used holistically as a mind-body practice to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Some Yoga Asana to Reduce Belly Fat:

(1) Tadasana:

This asana is the foremost asana for yoga. Tadasana word comes from the Sanskrit words “tada” means “mountain”. It is a simple standing posture, which forms the basis for all the standing asanas. In this asana body looks like a palm tree that’s the reason it is known as “Mountain Pose”.

Benefits of Tadasana

  • The biggest benefit of tadasana is that it helps in correcting your posture and improve your balance by making your spine more agile.
  • It helps in increasing the flexibility of your ankles, thighs, and joints.
  • This can tone your hips and abdomen and helps to gain control over your muscular movements.
  • It is also believed that it may help in increasing your height it practiced regularly during formative years.

(2) Surya Namaskar:

Surya Namaskar is the most important yoga practice. It derives from the Sanskrit word which means salutation to the sun. The sun is symbolic of consciousness and therefore, has been worshiped daily in the Indian culture. The basic sequence involves moving from a standing position into
a downward and upward dog poses and then back to a standing position.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

  • It is an intensive physical exercise that works on every part of the body.
  • You can increase the number of rounds slowly and watch the pounds start to disappear.
  • The bends and stretches help you lose flab evenly.
  • It improves blood circulation to the scalp and preventing hair loss.
  • It prevents the onset of wrinkles by relieving the body and mind of stress.

(3) Padahastasana:

It is a stretch pose that uses the strength of the body to stretch. Padahastasana is derived from the Sanskrit names pada which means foot, hasta means hand, and asana meaning pose. It is not an easy pose to perform but has numerous health and therapeutic benefits. It gives adequate stretching to hamstrings, hips, calves, back of thighs, and the entire legs including knees and ankles.

Benefits of Padahastasana

  • It massages the digestive organs.
  • It alleviates flatulence, constipation, and indigestion.
  • Spinal nerves are stimulated and toned.
  • It Increases the vitality.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • It improves concentration.

(4) Paschimottanasana:

It is a seated forward bend with the upper body folded forward over the legs. Paschimottanasana is considered to be a calming posture for the mind and nervous system. It may be therapeutic for anxiety and depression. Because it can be relatively challenging, especially for beginners, it is a good posture for teaching surrender and patience.

Benefits of Paschimottanasana

  • It acts as a stress reliever.
  • Reduces fat deposits in the abdomen.
  • It claims the mind.
  • Paschimottanasana stretches the spine and brings flexibility.
  • It is good for constipation and digestive disorder.
  • Balance the menstrual cycle.

(5) Pavanamuktasana:

It is known as wind Relieving pose in English is a reclined posture. The Sanskrit name pawanmuktasana is made up of three Sanskrit words Pawan+Mukta+Asana where Pawan means wind, Mukta means to release and asana means Posture. It is an excellent asana when it comes to relieving your body and its system to pressure building up on a daily basis.

Benefits of Pavanamuktasana

  • It helps to increase blood circulation in pelvic regions as well as various internal organs.
  • Pavanamuktasana helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • The asana can effectively loosen one’s spinal vertebrae.
  • It helps to heal menstrual disorders.
  • It stimulates reproductive organs and stimulates the pelvic muscles.


The purpose of Yoga is to create harmony in the physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual
aspects of the human being. It is not one day practice it is a lifetime commitment.

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